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Do I Pass? (2021)


‘Do I Pass?’ illustrates a want to best understand through self-portraiture the connection trans men hold to masculinity, which at times finds itself toxic and hard to navigate. Hegemony and the pressure to uphold a traditional masculine gender to pass, has been a long-regarded battle for trans men and has often caused discomfort in individuals seeking masculinity. Finding it difficult to accept that we can find comfort as men when men have long since held the representation for being seen as oppressive towards women, this project hopes to shed light on the vulnerability of young queer masculine youth in contrast to the hegemonic expectations of the white cisgender hetero man.


'Do I Pass?' won a series of graduate and photography awards ranging from Lens Culture, Vice Magazine and Source Magazine, and was long-listed for the Taylor Wessing Prize in 2021.

Do I Pass. _edited.jpg
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